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Community Engagement Pilot Grants

The UVA Brain Institute is expanding its seed funding programs to provide pilot funding to support the critical role that community partners play in promoting brain health awareness and research. 

In 2025, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

This new Community Engagement Pilot grant program seeks to support both new and established projects between UVA-affiliated faculty and community partners. We welcome applications from community-based organizations, faith-based institutions, neighborhood committees, organizations within UVA that engage in community-based outreach, and faculty who are planning or conducting brain research or outreach projects and want to incorporate or enhance community engagement activities. To be eligible to apply, each proposal must include at least one UVA-affiliated faculty member

Awards of up to $10,000 will be given for duration of one year. Only one application per organization and/or UVA-affiliated faculty member will be awarded per calendar year. 

After initial review, applicants may be asked to respond to follow up with any questions via Zoom or phone. Brief written feedback may be returned to applicants.

Applicants interested in submitting a proposal must also meet the following criteria:

  1. Must serve residents who live in communities across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  2. Virginia or West Virginia based non-profit 501(c)3 organizations and municipalities are eligible to submit in collaboration with UVA-affiliated faculty. Activities may benefit residents outside of the Commonwealth, but the primary focus should be within Virginia.
  3. Projects should address brain health promotion, prevention, treatment, or care partner support.
  4. Activities that address the 2022 MAPP2Health report or 2023-2024 Blueprint for Health Improvement and Health-Enabled Prosperity priority recommendation areas may be prioritized.

Required Proposal Components:

Proposals should be written in Arial 11-point font, with one-inch margins.

  1. Project Abstract (maximum 300 words)
    1. A lay summary of the significance, partners, and impact of the proposed work 
  2. Project Plan (maximum 2 pages)
    1. Background and Significance: Describe the specific health problem that the partnership will address and its relevance to the communities involved.
    2. Impact: 
      1. Describe how the proposed activities will lead to sustained research collaborations and/or additional funding opportunities, and plans for sustaining partnership efforts. 
      2. Describe proposed strategies to disseminate resulting information and “lessons learned."
    3. Partners and Previous Related Work: Describe any previous experience that the partners have working together and/or conducting community-engaged research, and the expertise that the different partners will bring to the research partnership. 
    4. Approach: 
      1. purpose and measurable desired outcomes of the partnership,
      2. how project impact will be evaluated, 
      3. planned activities to meet the desired outcomes, and
      4. project timeline.
  3. References (not included in the page limit)
  4. Budget (not included in the page limit)
    1. All applications should include a budget and brief budget narrative/justification describing how funding will be used to successfully carry out the project.

Proposal Submission Instructions:

  1. Assemble entire application as a single Word or PDF file titled: “Applicantlastname_Applicantfirstname_2025CEPilotGrant.pdf”
  2. Email your application to You will receive an email notification confirming receipt within 2 business days. 

Learn More

Learn more from the NIH about Community Engaged Research


Please contact us if you have questions or if it would be helpful to discuss your proposal before you submit!