2024 Neurodevelopment Pitch & Catch Awards

In June 2024, the Neurodevelopment Team Science group hosted the final stage of the Pitch-and-Catch funding opportunity to build interdisciplinary research projects, particularly between clinical and basic science, in the neurodevelopment research space.
Teams spanning at least two different disciplines/departments pitched their interdisciplinary project ideas to an audience of their peers. The meeting audience voted on the merit of each presentation in real time with the results factored into funding decisions. Project evaluation criteria included 1) scientific merit, 2) potential for scientific impact & future extramural funding, and 3) potential impact on UVA neurodevelopment ‘center’.
Awarded Projects
Neural plasticity in neonatal stroke
Alex Kuan, MD, PhD – Department of Neuroscience
Jennifer Burnsed, MD – Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology
Lou Legouez, PhD – Department of Neuroscience
Baby Steps
Howard Goodkin, MD – Department of Neurology
Adema Ribic, PhD – Department of Psychology
Elucidating glial-glial molecular regulatory factors across sex in development
Ukpong Eyo, PhD – Department of Neuroscience
John Campbell, PhD – Department of Biology